On a biological level, the main difference is that bacteria and free-living cells can live inside or outside a body, while viruses are a non-living collection of molocules that need a host to survive.
That’s very simple uranium I believe but I haven’t done science class in like 7 years so don’t quote if I’m wrong
There are many characteristics of a mammal their hair and furs, young are fed by milk, and sweat glanced.
Today, drug-resistant infections are a serious threat to people's health. Hundreds of thousands of lives are lost every year because of infections that can no longer be treated with existing drugs. Discovering new antibiotics, able to kill drug-resistant bacteria, is essential to saving modern medicine.
option D
Negative feedback is a mechanism in which function of a cell or an organ is decreased. It lessened the output of a system and maintain system function which is known as homeostasis. It is a regulatory mechanism of normal physiology. Some of examples are
blood sugar level regulation, regulation of blood pressure, thermoregulation and many more.