T=0 is also a solution. Other than 0 here is a solution.
Answer: 653,809 - 256,034 = 397,775
Check 397,775 + 256,034 = 653,809
Divide using long division. The whole number portion will be the number of times the denominator of the original fraction divides evenly into the numerator of the original fraction, and the fraction portion of the mixed number will be the remainder of the original fraction division over the denominator of the original fraction.

Answer : 5/5
Like fractions are fractions with the same denominator.
With this in mind we need both of the fractions to have the same denominator.
In order to do this we can take the fraction 10/10 and reduce it by 2
This will give us a 5/5, which gives us the same denominator as 5/5
0.4x < 0.5x
Step-by-step explanation:
Let x = Amount of money Rosa and Albert earn each week
Rosa spends 0.4(x) and 2/5(x) each week on video games and pizza
That equals to :
Rosa spends 0.8x, or 80% of her allowance on video games and pizza
Albert spends 1/2(x) and 0.25(x) each week on video games and pizza
Albert spends 0.75x, or 75% of her allowance on video games
Rosa spends 0.4x on video games, and Albert spends 0.5x.
0.4x ≤ 0.5x
-Chetan K