Both are monotheistic (believe in one god).
A difference is that Judaism views Jesus as a false prophet and are waiting for the Messiah in the future.
The People, whereas in an indirect democracy - such as the US - the people elect representatives to vote on their behalf.
The problem facing all humans is the fact that we have unlimited wants but we don't and can never have enough resources to satisfy these wants. This leads us to making choices thus making an opportunity cost. Opportunity cost is the cost of the forgone alternative
Guys: 3931200000
Girls: 3868800000
For every 1000 people, 496 are girls and 504 are men.
Hitler's rise to power is Germany was contributed to by the fact that most of the world was in a great depression. People didn't have jobs, homes, or even food. People were desperate and lacked confidence in their weak government, so they were willing to let Hitler come in and change the way things were. People liked that Hitler told Germany that the blame was not on them, but the Jews, and that he had a way to make Germany powerful again.