The program to calculate factor can be given as:
#include <stdio.h> //include header file
int main() //defining main function
int a,i; //defining integer variable
printf("Enter any number: "); //print message
scanf("%d",&a); //input value from user end
for(i=1;i<=a;i++) //loop for calculate factor values
if(a%i==0) //define condition for factor
printf("%d\n",i); //print values
return 0;
Enter any number: 15
In the above C language program the header file is include that provide the use of basic function, in the next line the main method is defined, inside this method two integer variable "a and i" is defined in which variable a is used to take value from user end and variable i is used in loop and conditional statement.
- In the next step, for loop is declare, that start from 1 and end with value of variable a, inside a loop, if block is used that checks (a%i==0), in this if variable i value modeler value equal to 0.
- The loop will use the print function that prints variable "i" element in a new line, which is the factor the values.
The correction is C.
One of the major factors that determine the quality of a printer is the resolution of that printer. The resolution is also called DPI [Dots Per Inch]. The DPI refers to amount of ink that an inkjet printer can place in a one inch line of a printed document. The higher the DPI of a printer, the higher the resolution.
The answer is "except IOError:"
It is part of the exception handling, that stands for input/ output operation fails, this exception aeries when we attempting to access an anti-existent file, in the program so, it will give the program related errors.
- This type of error is handled in the try block, it also allows you to prepare the deal with the exceptional block.
- It also helps you to hide the bugs by using code, if you handle an unexpected error.
C. ground antennas
AKA Satellite Dishes That Communicate Just Like Direct Tv dish It is focused by a bowl-shaped parabolic dish onto a device in the center called a "feed horn", which channels the signal to a "low-noise block down converter" (LNB) which filters out unwanted interference, and sometimes converts it to yet another frequency before amplifying it and sending it to the satellite receiver