first step in protein production is the transcription of DNA to mRNA in the nucleus. the next organelles involved are ribosomes. if the protein is not destined to the cell membrane the mRNA is translated on a cytoplasmic free-floating ribosome
<u>Cartilagenous joint</u>
A cartilaginous joint where the bones are joined by fibrocartilage is called a symphysis. Fibrocartilage is very strong because it contains numerous bundles of thick collagen fibers, thus giving it a much greater ability to resist pulling and bending forces when compared with hyaline cartilage. This gives symphyses the ability to strongly unite the adjacent bones, but can still allow for limited movement to occur.
The aerodynamic shape and lightness of the blue shark body allow it
to move “elegantly” across the oceans. It exhibits countershading like
many other sharks. The upper part is an indigo blue tone while the
ventral and the sides are white.
It has a long caudal heterocercal fin. The second dorsal fin measures
almost half the size of the first and its pectoral fins are unusually
long compared to other sharks. Its eyes are large, its teeth are
triangular, and it has a conical snout.
It reaches a length ranging from 3.8 to 4 meters and weighs about 240
kilograms. This species presents slight sexual dimorphism since the
female tends to measure little more than 1 meter in comparison with the
Common examples of physical contaminants include hair, bandages, fingernails, jewelry, broken glass, metal, paint flakes, bone, the body parts of pests, or pest droppings.
The Process in which pesticides are stored in body tissues is known as Bio-Accumulation.
When pesticides get into our body through eating food which is not go through the process of metabolism or which is not excreted, that is stored in fatty tissues of the body and as time passes we may build up high concentration of pesticides in our body. Pesticides are the chemical compounds used for killing pests, bacteria etc.