The Sun is the primary source of energy for Earth's climate system is the first of seven Essential Principles of Climate Sciences.
Principle 1 sets the stage for understanding Earth's climate system and energy balances.
The Sun warms the planet, drives the hydrologic cycle, and makes life on Earth possible.
''Watching television adversely impacted the quality of sleep''.
''Watching television adversely impacted the quality of sleep'' is the best hypothesis for her study. Watching television right before bed, can negatively impact your sleep quality. Late-night watching television disrupts your internal clock that adversely affected sleep quality of an individual. The above hypothesis is used by the Rachel to investigate the impact of watching television before sleeping on the sleep quality.
Biochemistry is the study of the actions of the main metabolic processes of living organisms, which are protein synthesis (DNA and RNA molecules, genetic codes and how they work, enzyme formation and function, etc), glycolysis (cellular respiration, aka the Krebs cycle/citric acid cycle to break down glucose molecules to release chemical energy and oxydative phosphorylation, the use of that chemical energy to form ATP molecules in which the chemical energy is put in a form the cell can use, and lipid chemistry (the study of the pathways in which fatty acids are formed into lipids and fat molecules and cholestrol formation and function).
Essentially, biochemistry covers the chemical reactions necessary for cellular and organism metabolism
The hydrologic cycle describes the pilgrimage of water as water molecules make their way from the Earth's surface to the atmosphere, and back again. This gigantic system, powered by energy from the sun, is a continuous exchange of moisture between the oceans, the atmosphere, and the land.
heightened temperatures can cause enzymes to work more quickly whereas if the temperature gets too high the enzyme stops working, If the temperature around an enzyme gets too high, the enzyme loses its shape, which is known as denaturation, and will eventually stop working