Well technically both are used for the same purpose but an email can only be read and a text are displayed instantly on the users device
Peace and conflict studies is a social science field that identifies and analyzes violent and nonviolent behaviours as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts (including social conflicts), with a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition.[1] A variation on this, peace studies (irenology), is an interdisciplinary effort aiming at the prevention, de-escalation, and solution of conflicts by peaceful means, thereby seeking "victory" for all parties involved in the conflict.
This social science is in contrast to military studies, which has as its aim on the efficient attainment of victory in conflicts, primarily by violent means to the satisfaction of one or more, but not all, parties involved. Disciplines involved may include philosophy, political science, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, international relations, history, anthropology, religious studies, and gender studies, as well as a variety of others. Relevant sub-disciplines of such fields, such as peace economics, may be regarded as belonging to peace and conflict studies also.
I.a cookbook has been written by agricultural officers
II.the sky is being darkened by locust swarms of 50km
This evidence shows that he lives during the time of the Samurai so swords are very important to his culture. The importance of honor and respect are also present in this excerpt because the words of "honored friend" and "humbly suggest" are used.
Involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that promote personal wellbeing and mental health. People can develop the ability to withstand, adapt to, and recover from stress and advertising and maintain or return to a state of mental health well being by using effective