Malcolm X, the activist and outspoken public voice of the Black Muslim faith, challenged the mainstream civil-rights movement and the nonviolent pursuit of integration championed by Martin Luther King, Jr. He urged followers to defend themselves against white aggression
Civil rights is defined as "the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality". Malcolm X believed that African Americans deserved equality, social freedom, and political freedom. And he was not afraid to gain it by any means necessary, so yes, he was a good civil rights leader. A good leader could be anyone, not to compare the very two different individuals, but from a non-biased standpoint, Hitler was a good leader. He lead with authority, he demonstrated almost all types of leadership styles, etc. I am not in any way praising Hitler, but the definition of a good leader is defined by those things, its when people let their opinions cloud clear and logical judgment that makes the conversation controversial or debatable.
Copper was the resource that was
so valuable that it aided the growth of kingdoms by becoming a form of currency
and a major source of political power. The answer is letter C. Copper used was
10000 years old and discovered at the Middle East in 9000BC.