his architectural endeavors, most notable the Ramesseum and the temples of Abu Simbel. Ramses II's interest in architecture resulted in the erection of more monuments than any of the other ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
The first one Respectful would been believe in quality and worth of others and yourself.
The milk's carton has leaked
A seven letter word containing thousands of letters - a mailbox.
The word mailbox has 7 letters, and it contains thousands of letters - just not the letters from the alphabet, but rather a form of a paper message.
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Explain why Bud says that "It's funny how ideas are, in a lot of ways they're just like seeds. Both of them start real small and then ... Woop, zoop, sloop ... Before you can say Jack Robinson they've gone and grown a lot bigger than you ever thought they could"
Bud says this to show how a small and insignificant idea became something big inside him, becoming his biggest goal.
Bud explains that the idea of looking for and finding his father was insignificant, small in his subconscious and that he could go unnoticed by other more important and impacting ideas, however, over time, that idea grew and grew until he became the biggest goal of his life. To better explain it to the reader, he makes reference to how a seed so small can become such a large and imposing tree. The seed symbolizes the idea and the tree symbolizes the goal.