The main obligations that a peasant had to the lord of the manor included the constant upkeep and maintenance of the land, as well a promise to give up the land upon command.
The purpose of temples is always to honor the gods, but these states also made art to serve the interests of the state.
Japan issued the 21 demands in January 1915 in an attempt to take colonial control of China. The 21 Demands were made by Japan to China on 18th of January in the year 1915. They were actually made by Japan to consolidate their hold on colonial China. Along with the demand, Japan also attached an ultimatum.
Egypt is famous for storytelling because the first epic story ever recorded in human history is Gilgamesh and it originated/was found in Egypt.
For that reason the answe to your question would be B - the first epic story, Gilgamesh, is from Egpyt.
Gilgamesh talks about a Sumerian king and his story together with the deed he did while rulling.