The 365 day solar calendars are much more practical and accurate than 29.5 day moon calendars. As the lunar calendar is governed by the cycle of 29 and a half days of the moon, in ancient times it was much used for the resemblance to the menstrual period of the woman, and with the pregnancy time of 10 lunar months. However, it can't be compared to the accuracy of the solar calendar, which also brings together the four seasons of the year, and it was the most popular in the West since lunar cycles are inaccurates for modern requirements. This because each month would have half a day that would be lost or added to next month, but finally at the end of the year, the lunar cycles would not fit well with the human lunar calendar.
Bicameral system, a system of government in which the legislature comprises two houses. The modern bicameral system dates back to the beginnings of constitutional government in 17th-century England and to the later 18th century on the continent of Europe and in the United States.
Answer: Although there are many interesting features in its constitution but the most important are:
Written constitution.
Rigid constitution.
Popular sovereignty.
Bicameral legislature.
Separation of powers.
Checks and balances.
Judicial Review.
Presidential system.
I think it is the first one
They use currency. Society uses a system called currency to enforce the " Get what you give ". If i was working hard i have a large amount of money to spend for myself. vise versa with me not working on the daily.