<em>Nepal, a landlocked country between India and China, is known for its mountain peaks. The small country contains eight of the 10 highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga – the world's tallest and third tallest respectively.</em>
Hope its helpful..
Thank U
An attitude of both liberalism and nationalism.
In Europe in 1830 and 1848 there were a number of revolution movements, trying to replace old conservative governments. The revolutions often had a liberal flavor -- wanting "liberty" and political rights, vesting power in parliaments rather than just in kings and aristocracies. There also were nationalist feelings that spurred some of the revolutionary movements. In places like the Italian peninsula and German territories, that meant creating a united Italy or Germany.
They made a ton of laws inducing that the blame was on Germany
Fernando lll de Castilla urgente murió en el 1252
Song; Chola
The Srivijaya Empire was a wealthy and powerful empire on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The empire maintained strong trade links with the Song and Tang dynasties. The Srivijaya Empire had intense rivalries with the Chola Empire and the Champa.
Srivijaya empire was a maritime and commercial kingdom that flourished and which controlled presnt day Indonesia and much of the Malay Archipelago between the seventh and the thirteenth centuries. The empire flourished because it was based around trade,facilitated between China and India as a result of Melaka Strait and having mutual understanding with various Empires.
The Chola dynasty was a Tamil dynasty of southern India based in the Kaveri River Valley, which runs southeast through Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and the southern Deccan Plateau to the Bay of Bengal, founder by Vijayalaya and this empire ruled for more than 1,500 years, making them one of the longest-ruling families in history
Srivijaya Empire relationship with Chola were friendly but this truce or period of peace deteriorated into actual warfare before the Chola Dynasty faced a continuous decline till 1279.
Srivijaya Empire relationship with Song Empire was as a result of trade expeditions