The emotion the narrator in Living to Tell the Tale mainly feels toward the thief is D: empathy.
In <em>Living to Tell the Tale</em>, García Márquez makes an autobiographical recount of all the characters that has been significant in his life. He starts writing this book when he finds out he has cancer and he thinks it is important to tell the readers about all the people that has, in some way or another, changed his life.
When he remembers the events in his short story <em>La Siesta del Martes</em>, which describes a woman arriving in town with her daughter to put flowers on the grave of her son who had been shot while attempting to break into García Márquez's aunt's house, he says he feels like if he was the thief. He reflect's himself in the thief. His autobiographical self is beginning to live the life of the characters ins his fiction.
Answer: (A)- Preproduction.
The Production procedure refers to as the multiple phases necessary to complete a media project, from the proposal to the ultimate master copy. The development can be relevant to any kind of media making including movie, small screen, and auditory tape. The steps in every medium differ; for instance, there is no storyboard involved in an acoustic recording. However, the equivalent universal notions employ for different mediums.
There are <em>three main stages</em> in media production and they are:
<em>Pre-production: </em>arrangement, writing & storyboarding.
<em>Production:</em> The real shoot or documentation.
<em>Post-production: </em>This includes every practice while making and producing the closing main copy.
Other steps entail:
<em>Financing:</em> This takes place previous to pre-production. It involves budget estimation and more.
<em>Screenplay:</em> This is a detached juncture before pre-production.
<em>Distribution:</em> This refers to the delivering of the finished content to the retailers or the audience.