The American Colonization Society was an organization formed in 1816 with the purpose of transporting free Black people from the United States to settle on the west coast of Africa. During the decades the society operated more than 12,000 people were transported to Africa and the African nation of Liberia was founded.
Both the American and French Revolutions were focused around liberty and equality. ... America was trying to gain freedom from the rules and taxes put upon them by Great Britain. Whereas the French wanted to abolish the French monarchy and create a better government in which the people could have more of a say in society.
I hope it helps you<3
A) an organization established by Congress to aid poor southerners
La respuesta correcta es Sí.
El feminismo es un movimiento social que protesta para establecer un sistema en el que exista el principio de igualdad entre los géneros (femenino y masculino) debido a que consideran que desde la antigüedad el papel de la mujer en la sociedad ha sido relegado y ocultado por una sociedad machista. Este movimiento tomó fuerza desde la década de los setentas y ha tomado relevancia a través de los años, un ejemplo de esto es la visibilidad que han logrado algunas activistas como Ruth Joan Bader Ginsburg, quien expresó su posición de igualdad entre los géneros al decir "Deberíamos ser libres para desarrollar nuestros propios talentos, sean los que sean y no ser retenidos por barreras artificiales" Entonces, la respuesta correcta es Sí.
The main reason why some Americans were unhappy with Jay's Treaty is because brought the United States "closer" to Great Britain in terms of economic ties, which many feared would weaken the republican nature of the state.