The method doubleVal() is created to accept a single parameter of type double.
It multiplies what ever the value of the parameter is and returns the resulting value.
In this question The method is called within this output statement System.out.println(doubleVal(val)); (Note that val had already been declared and assigned the value of 6.5)
The value 6.5 is doubled and outputed to the screen
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If you have only 1 method that is not overloaded, then you will not be able to call it with inappropriate parameter types, that is, if the initial type of the parameter is int, then it will not be able to get the double, float, and other values, because of this an error will occur.
For this, method overloading is created.
Method overloading is when you create methods with the same name, but only the content and parameters of the methods are/can-be completely different.
Going green has several other benefits for companies. These include tax credits and incentives, improved efficiency, healthier workplaces, and cost savings – for instance by printing less, turning lights off in unused rooms and refilling ink cartridges. Reusing items also reduces waste from plastic packaging.
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c. Click the dropdown icon beside Page Number
d. Select Format Page Number.