-your helping kids learn
-you get money
-you can have coworkers as friends
-you could go to jail for slapping a child
-you could get into a fight with a parent
-you could get fired if your test scores r not high enough
What is there to choose from?
A is maybe the correct answer
Diplomat Long Term insurance
Diplomat Long Term insurance Coinsurance?
For treatment received outside the U.S : No coinsurance.
For treatment received within the U.S :
Inside of the United States: The plan pays 80% up to $5,000 of eligible costs, then 100% to the medical maximum. Additional $250 deductible for each emergency room visit as a result of an Illness is available. The emergency room deductible will be waived if hospital admittance is within 12 hours of the incident.
Outside of the United States: The plan pays 100% to the medical maximum outside USA and Canada.