They ignored it
The Boland Amendment aimed to prohibit the federal government from providing support to the Contras in Nicaragua. Instead of directly getting involved like that, they decided to ask someone else to support it, and that was Iran. Iran was the subject of an arms embargo which meant that the Contras were able to buy arms (guns) from Iran to overthrow the Nicaraguan government, and this ended up being a political scandal in Reagan's administration.
Bayeux Tapestry<span> - Battle of Hastings. The </span>Bayeux Tapestry<span> tells the </span>story<span>, in pictures ,of the events leading up to and including the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066. The </span>story<span> is told from the Norman point of view.</span>
✨Hello there I hope you having a good day✨ ❤❤
Here is the answer:
so some people believed that Dionysus died by old age but some are still many species survived, including animal types like crocodiles. Scientist have come up with some strange ideas but none really explains everything, so we don't know what happen to them really.
hopefully that helps you.