Abigail Williams is the vehicle that drives the play. She bears most of the responsibility for the girls meeting with Tituba in the woods, and once Parris discovers them, she attempts to conceal her behavior because it will reveal her affair with Proctor if she confesses to casting a spell on Elizabeth Proctor.
noun menace plural noun menaces
a person or thing that is likely to cause harm; a threat or danger.
a threatening quality, tone, or atmosphere.
threat ominousness intimidation warning ill-omen commination
a person or thing that causes trouble or annoyance.
verb menace 3rd person present menaces past tense menaced past participle menaced gerund or present participle menacing
threaten, especially in a malignant or hostile manner.
The word that could be substituted for "inscribed" would best be "carved". Carving is just like inscribing. :-)
A moral dilemma is where you have to choose between two things, and you have a moral reason for both choices, but cannot decide which to choose from.