A state's number of electors equals the number of representatives plus two electors for the senators the state has in the United States Congress.
The Electoral College is the process by which the states and District of Columbia elect the president of the United States. Each state is represented by a number of electors equal to the size of its congressional delegation. There are 538 electors in total. To win the Electoral College, a candidate must receive a majority at least 270 electoral votes
The Electoral College will meet in mid-December to cast their votes after the general election on November 3, 2020. Although there is no constitutional provision or federal law requiring electors to vote in accordance with the election results in their state, electors typically vote for their state's popular vote winner. Some states have provisions permitting the disqualification and replacement of an elector whose vote deviates from the state's popular vote.
It was an airport in the city of London, the United Kingdom that King's assassin, James Earl Ray, was captured. In fact, he was captured during June 8, 1968, at the Heathrow Airport as he was going to depart at that time. Martin Luther King Jr. has been one of the advocates of civil rights movement in the United States,
The Spanish-American War was fought in 1898 and was an imperial conflict. The major combatants were the United States and Spain. The war was fought on two fronts: Cuba and the Philippines. The war was instigated by Cuba and the Philippines in an effort to gain their independence from Spain.
The powerful people won the election.
Tactics such as donating money to political campaigns may be considered a drawback because due to this money the powerful people won the election instead of competent people which cost the country a lot. If there is no money used for political campaigns so the more competent person won the election that leads to increase in the prosperity and development of the country and its people.
They may base events from history on periods of time using a certain theme, so to say. This way, it allows them to organize information in a chronological order and base events on how severe they were and what led up to the most significant event in that time period, because a turning point is basically the most important part in a time period which initiated change. This also emphasizes on the importance of transitions.