The endocrine system is made up of a number of glands that secrete hormones. Glands and the hormones they release regulate many processes in the body; from growth, puberty, metabolism and reproduction, hormones play a role in almost everything we do
According to Darwin's theory of evolution, new species evolved as a result of natural selection.
- Darwin proposed that speciation could readily occur through the prolonged action of Natural selection.
- Natural selection allows the 'survival of the fittest' i.e. a more fit organism will have a better chance of survival than the less fit one.
- The result of Natural selection could be positive,negative or balancing.
- Evolutionary process in which the genetic changes confer a higher fitness to increase frequency of the organism over time in population is called positive selection.
- Evolutionary process in which genetic changes decreases the organism's fitness resulting in its disappearance from the population is called Negative selection.
- It may happen that a mutation benefits hetero-zygotes but not homo-zygotes and alleles maintain a intermediate frequency in population.This evolutionary process is called balancing selection.
efends the body from microorganisms that could cause it harm or even death. one of the additional functions of the immune system. helps maintain homeostasis by removing old and or damaged cells from the body. complex and broad range of defensive mechanisms that the human body uses to combat infections and diseases.
Probability is a method for determining the likelihood of something uncertain occurring. If you flip a coin, you do not know whether it will be heads or tails, but probability can tell you that there is a 1/2 chance of either happening. Probability is a method used to predict the likelihoods of uncertain outcomes. It is important for the field of genetics because it is used to reveal traits that are hidden in the genome by dominant alleles. Probability allows scientists and doctors to calculate the chance that offspring will inherit certain traits, including some genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and Huntington's disease.