A simile is defined as "<span>a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid" Based on this, it might be said that there is a comparison between the narrator and two birds. It might be understood that he tends to use things from other people and he gives them credit for. </span>
I would always advise my friend that it is necessary to study all subjects in depth and perform well in the examinations to enable him to carry out higher studies in order to have a stable working career. But, at the same time, I'd advise him that merely obtaining good marks is not the barometer of gaining knowledge. Attaining knowledge on diverse things is most important for a human person.
My advice to my friend would be acquiring knowledge by reading books on diverse subjects, learning about various matters by watching television channels like National Geographic, History Channel, Travel & Living and so on. But, first of all, he should know most things about his own country. With the advent of the internet and satellite television, gathering knowledge has become easy; he should make use of these facilities.
Even for passing examinations, he must read and understand the various subjects and topics rather than learn by rote, simply memorising without understanding is not good.
For a person to inculpate, to run from appalling realities, it’ll become us individuals to cast it
We must take the responsibilty in order to hide the clarity of the facts up high in the clouds of a finger pointing
you do not
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Answer: pun is a joke that has more than 1 meaning.
One of the first puns in Julius Caesar comes in Act II scene i. Two tribunes (a type of government official during Caesar's time) are patrolling the streets and attempting to clear out the crowds of people who are celebrating Caesar's recent victory. Since all the workers have taken a holiday to celebrate, the tribunes ask the men who they are and why they are not in their shops. One man responds by saying 'I am a mender of bad soles.' The officials press him further and he tells them to not be angry with him, but if their soles are worn out, he can fix them. When the word 'sole' is spoken, it could be interpreted as 'soul.' The cobbler is playing on the fact that sole has more than one meaning, depending on the context.