Su valla publicitaria debe contar una historia y / o compartir un llamado a la acción de una manera que sea interesante y memorable. Ya sea que recurra al humor, la ira, la empatía o la inteligencia, use tácticas de marketing emocional en el diseño de su valla publicitaria para que sea memorable. Eche un vistazo a estos ejemplos de vallas publicitarias creativas y llamativas.
Bad- people spend a lot of time on devices and technology and they become dependent on it
Good- it can used as a helpful tool (directions, homework help)
NO there is not web links at the end
Personal/Core values are incredibly important in many ways. All-in-all they basically define the kind of person you are and what you stand for. having strong personal values allows you to easily surround yourself with other individuals that share the same values as you while also dropping those that do not. Aside from forming these bonds, strong personal values also help you strengthen these positive friendships as you go getting to know the other individuals better and your values keep aligning, therefore leading to sustained positive relationships.