When author's remark about a certain pair of boots, Mr Gessler surprisingly looked at him for a time to withdrew or qualify his statement. After that, he asked the author to get the pair back and if he could do nothing of them then he would take them off his bill.
Well, nothing is capitalized.
The word <em>we </em>is the subject. The phrase <em>solemn vigil </em>is the direct object. The phrase <em>at the funeral </em>is adverbial modifier.
Illustration/example would go with Tells what something is; useful in all subjects
Classification/division would go with useful in Botany, biology, and anatomy classes
cause/effect would go with useful to describe how to refurnish furniture
extended definition would go with reasoning from several particular examples to establish a general principle.
inductive reasoning would go with drawing conclusions from implied information
deductive reasoning would go with fallacy in logic that assumes a cause and effect relationship because of sequence
inferences would go with drawing a particular conclusion from general premises
process analysis would go with structure used in history and science explaining reasons for certain events or phenomena
comparison/contrast would go with using a story to make a point
post hoc would go with reasoning from several particular examples to establish general principle
Please Excuse my not so neat handwriting if you have any questions or concerns please let me know as soon as you can