One is that when Gregor dies, his family members begin new lives as they all have careers. His farther is now energized and Cete can get married now too.
The repeated use of the "o" sound in "A host, of golden daffodils" is called assonance. The repetition of a vowel is called assonance.
In this case it would mean to extend the deadline
The theme is not what Tony says. The theme of a story is the message or moral. It shouldn't be specific to a story. the main character says "I need to stop daydreaming and pay attention to the road!" this shows that the reason he got stuck in the first place is because he wasnt paying attention. he also says he needs to pay more attention in the future. that is why I believe the correct answer is to pay attention to whatever it is that you are doing.
what grade r u in? does this help?