Lines of Longitude is the answer
During the 1700s, the English KIng Charles I granted the colonial Province of Maryland to Sir George Calvert who was the first Baron Baltimore and the King's former Secretary of State. Lord Baltimore, who had converted to Catholicism and proclaimed publicly his faith, began Maryland for the Catholics (Option A). When Calvert died in 1632, the charter for the Maryland Colony was passed to his son, the second Baron Baltimore. Finally, the settlement began in 1634. Nevertheless, the Province of Maryland, which had begun as a British colony in North America, joined in rebellion with other British colonies in order to declare independence from Britain in 1776 and so became the U.S. state of Maryland.
Well technology might be a reason that people don't collaborate or talk
They made people question how the government was making rules and how they were controlling people. For the religion movement people became more tollerent of other religions. For the abolition movement, people began to understand freeing enslaved people and making them members of society. The Womens Movement gained attention to how were treated and what rights they had.
They were creating an alliance despite the fact that Communists (Stalin) hate Fascists (Hitler) and vice verse. They set aside their differences in order to come together since they were both powerful dictators that controlled menacing nations.
They banded together publicly under the Axis Powers, but they also secretly planned to split Poland between them. They (Stalin and Hitler/Russia and Germany) both promised and agreed to not attack the other in a treaty...but Hitler broke the treaty and attacked Stalin and the USSR...(This is known as one of Hitler’s greatest mistakes.)
This is what caused Stalin and the USSR to join the Allied Powers. (Great Britain, France and later, USA.)
This left Hitler’s Germany to be fighting only beside Mussolini’s Italy. They also had an alliance with Japan, but since Japan was so far away, they weren’t involved in the World Wars much and focused solely on conflicts outside of Europe.
I hope this helps!