It means that the native way has experienced discourage from others and no respect. It means that people from the same culture were rejected or we can also say ignored in this case.
Scorned is the word that means ignored. The person who is scorn means that he does not have respect for others and for what they are thinking, it means also that the person is disliking something and does not approve of it.
In this case it would mean that people from the same culture and nation have experienced rejection.
I am writing the program of my life
I am the programmer of my life
I am executing my program of life
Most likely because of (ain't)
The television consists of four principles sets of parts, including the exterior or housing, the audio reception and speaker system, the picture tube, and a complicated mass of electronics including cable and antennae imput and output devices, a built-in antenna in most sets, a remote control receiver chips.