B. Ukrainians
In Ukraine, you can still see the adverse effects, politically, of this. Many people in Ukraine still don't trust the Russian government.
One of long-term conflict.
The 20th century involves periods between 1 Jan 1901 – 31 Dec 2000. During this period Iran and Iraq were still at loggerheads. They share the same land borders which was one of the main causes of their disputes. After Iran’s revolution Saddam Hussein who was the President of Iraq decided to launch aggressive attacks on Iran due to the border conflicts. He also launched the attacks in order to control the ownership of Iran’s oil. The dispute lasted for about 8years before the dispute ended and they then became very good neighbors.
Good choices:
A. communication
C electricity
D. transportation
Labor is not an industry.
The 4 countries that signed the Munich Agreement in 1938 were Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Italy.