La ciudadanía es la condición de pertenencia de un individuo (ciudadano) a una sociedad o comunidad organizada.
¡Espero que esto sea útil! ¡Mantente a salvo y que Dios te bendiga! :)))
These are in 2/4 time. They have two beats per measure. Remember that an eighth not equals one half of a beat, a quarter not equals one beat, a half note equals two beats, and a whole note equals four beats. To make these measures in 4/4 (four beats per measure) you would have to add four eight notes, two quarter notes, or one half note to each measure.
I don't really know what you mean but I can try!
I like the art he makes and I think it it really interesting. He is very creative!
You can delete this if it's not helpfull :)
By showing objects on the table from various vantage points at the same time.