what type of art became a legitimate genre in the mid-1980s in new york
answer:Graffiti paintings
Answer: When France had finished its conquest of Vietnam in 1885, only southern Vietnam was made a direct colony under the name of Cochinchina.
Answer:Congress, or the central government, was made up of delegates chosen by the states and could conduct foreign affairs, make treaties, declare war, maintain an army and a navy, coin money, and establish post offices. However, measures passed by Congress had to be approved by nine of the 13 states.
Congress was limited in its powers. It could not raise money by collecting taxes and had no control over foreign commerce; it could pass laws but could not force the states to comply with them. The Government was dependent on the cooperation of the various states to carry out its measures.
The articles were nearly impossible to change, so problems could not be corrected.
the military got stronger and that's it.
Answer: British Impressment; Violance of neutrality; Indian uprisings; Trade Restrictions.