Russia is federal with a prime minister and president as head of state.
<h2>Answer:-) ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿</h2>
<h2>Civil courts (not to be confused with the civil-law legal system) </h2><h2>deal with “private” controversies, particularly disputes that arise between individuals or between private businesses or institutions </h2><h2>Explanation :-) </h2>
<h2>keep smiling ☺️ ♡</h2>
<h2>Sorry !! ☹️</h2>
<h2>follow back plzz </h2>
Answer: The purpose of the index is to give the reader an informative, balanced portrait of what is in the book and a concise, useful guide to all pertinent facts in the book. These facts, in the form of an alphabetically ordered list of main entries and subentries, will include both proper names and subjects.
The purpose of a state issued bond, to have a means if control in government.