The age structure of a population refers to the categorization of the world's population into age groups.
The current age structure of the world’s population means the population will keep growing because of at least 2 reasons:
1. Death Rate Decrease: Death rate is decreasing more rapidly than birth rate, the child mortality rate had dropped drastically from 1-in-5 in 1950 to less than 1-in-20 today.
2. Increase in Average Human Age: This means that people are living longer than before, and if that is the case then population will keep growing
3. An expansive Age Structure of World Population: The world population will keep growing into the near future because it has an Expansive population pyramid which means that a larger percentage of people are in the younger age bracket. This further implies that there will be high fertility rates because young people are more likely to reproduce than the aged.
the answer is D. the press is limited during wartime Hopefully this helps!
narcissism and the answer is TRUE.
Narcissism is the theory or hypothesis to have excessive interest and love for oneself. A narcissist admires oneself and his or her physical appearance. Narcissism may be defined as the pursuit of gratification from self love or egotistic admiration of an individual's idealized attributes and self image.
In the context, some of the college students were ask to edit and then explain the MySpace page. MySpace is a popular social networking site where individuals can create their own page to express and present themselves to their connections. Thus they are scored higher for editing and explaining their page on the basis of narcissism as individuals flaunts and boost about their personality and appearances.
Five-Factor Model of personality
The Five-Factor Model of personality is a model of the structure of personality according to which human personality can be described using five broad dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness.
The main characteristics of the dimensions are:
- Extraversion: Outgoing, socially confident behavior. Extroverts are sociable, talkative and enjoy being the center of attention. Introverts are more quiet and prefer to be on their own.
- Agreeableness: Individuals who score highly on agreeableness are friendly and co-operative, they are trusting of others and are more altruistic and sympathetic. People who score low on this dimension are less concerned with pleasing other people or making friends, they tend to be more suspicious and are less charitable, they are also competitive and stubborn.
- Conscientiousness: People who are conscientious are more aware of their actions and the consequences of their behavior than people who are unconscientious. They feel a sense of responsibility towards other people and are careful with their duties, they will be concerned about tidiness, punctuality and hard work. People who score low on this dimension are less careful and are less concerned about tidiness and punctuality.
- Neuroticism: People with high neuroticism are persistent worriers. They are fearful and often feel anxious, over-thinking their problems focusing on the negative aspects of them. They tend to become frustrated and angry if things don't go as they wish. People who score low are less preoccupied and are able to remain more calm under stressful situations.
- Openness: Willingness to try new activities. People with higher levels of openness enjoy artistic and cultural experiences and are more open to unfamiliar cultures and customs, they are imaginative. People with low levels of openness are wary of uncertainty and the unknown and feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations and prefer familiar environments.
Thus, we can see that the Five-Factor model of personality is the theory than includes the dimensions of openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
Crops such as wheat or corn absorb a large amount of nutrients from the soil. To remedy this, farmers plant crops such as rye, buckwheat, radishes, turnips and other cover crops.