Clock (int hours, boolean isTicking, int diff) // constructor clock
this.hours = hours;
// set the instance variable hours
this.isTicking = isTicking;
// set the boolean variable isTicking
this.diff =diff;
//set the instance variable diff
Here we declared a constructor clock which has 3 parameter hours,boolean isTicking,and diff.
The int hours, diff is of int type and isTicking is of boolean type. In this constructor, we set the instance variables values by using this keyword.
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A Hardware is any physical device used in. You can touch hardware, but you cannot touch software. Hardware is physical, and software is virtual. (brainliest) ??
The receiver will not detect the error.
The byte sent by transmitter: 10101010
The byte received by receiver due to channel noise: 10011010
If you see the bold part of the both sent and received bytes you can see that the number of bits changed is 2.
The two communicating devices are using a single-bit even parity check. Here there are two changed bits so this error will not be detected as this single bit even parity check scheme has a limit and it detects the error when the value of changed bit is odd but here it is even.
This parity scheme basically works well with the odd number of bit errors.