Fallacy can be defined as a mistaken or false belief that are based on illogical arguments or reasoning.
However, a lot of people might actually think it to true but it isn't. There are various types of fallacy, these include; black or white, non sequitur, ad hominem, bandwagon, appeal to authority, straw man, and oversimplification or hasty generalization.
Given the following statement of fallacy;
"The last two mass murderers were from Michigan. Obviously, people from Michigan are dangerous."
Thus, this is Hasty Generalization Fallacy because it isn't logically justified by enough empirical evidence.
Hasty generalization is a type of fallacy that involves making a claim or reaching a conclusion based on very little evidence or instances of an event.
There are two correct answers, 1 and 4.
1 read & write
2 sat & did
3 rose & had & drangk & wrote & took
While film reviews tend to be fairly short (approximately 600 to 1200 words), they require a lot
of preparation before you begin writing. Prior to viewing the film, you may want to get a sense
of the bodies of work by the director, writer, or individual actor. For instance, you may watch
other films by the same director or writer in order to get a sense of each individual style. This
will enable you to contextualize the film and determine whether it works as a continuation and/or
disruption within the broad trends of the director’s or writer’s work.
Writing a film review often requires multiple viewings of the film. Plan to watch the film two oExplanation:
By the 9th century, Muslim Sultanates started being established in the Horn of Africa, and by the 12th century, the Kilwa Sultanate