In this excerpt, Eudora's future is being foreshadowed. She is describing the incident from age seven when she was taken out of school. She enjoyed this time and was even "enlightened" by it. She was so content, and this excerpt foreshadows that she won't experience something like this again. Her life ended up going just fine still, but this pure joy and freedom of staying home for several months won't happen again. She won't be experiencing this enlightened feeling again, and readers can understand that from the foreshadowing used here.
The mentioned line is from the Novel "“The Optimist’s Daughter” by an American writer "Eudora Welty". In her writing, she describes, the incident from age seven, when she was taken out of school. She did like the time, so she specially says, "<span>Bits of enlightenment" went on, as time is going on! It was her most enlightened time for her, and when it passed, she explains in her line that it was her good time and never going to come again.
if it were active voice it would be" the gardener watered the plants." with passive voice we can emphasize the plants in this case rather than the Gardner itself. i hope this helps!
Gandhi was very strong and passionate about his beliefs towards non-violence, human rights, and personal and political freedom which he conveyed with his tone extremely persuasively and effectively.
Some say that a tsunami's sea wave can scotch an entire island. All you will hear is a sudden silence, shadowed by the roar of a wave and then Splash! You are drowned in debri and dampened by dirty water.
Alliteration: "Some say...tsunami's sea...scotch" "sudden silence" "drowned in debri....dampened by dirty"