The difference between the commissions charged by Full service brokers , Discount brokers and Online brokers are is about 60% higher for Full service Brokers
The difference between the commissions charged by Full service brokers , Discount brokers and Online brokers are is about 60% higher for Full service Brokers
Full service brokers perform a lot of services like providing investment advice and analyzing the market on behalf of the investor therefore commissions charged by full service broker is usually higher
decide which goals the organization will pursue and what strategies will achieve those goals.
To perform the planning task, managers identify and select appropriate organizational goals and courses of action; they develop strategies for how to achieve high performance. The three steps involved in the planning area
(1) deciding which goals the organization will pursue,
(2) deciding what strategies to adopt to attain those goals, and
(3) deciding how to allocate organizational resources to pursue the strategies that attain those goals. How well managers plan and develop strategies determines how effective and efficient the organization is—its performance level.
A A monthly maintenance fee (sometimes called a monthly service fee) is money a bank charges you for working with the company. The fee is usually automatically withdrawn from your account each month. In some cases, you'll pay the fee no matter what. But many banks let you waive the fee if you meet certain requirements.
A. Collateral
Collateral is a pledge that is given to a person in exchange for a loan (of something). The pledge could be redeemed after the loan has been returned (along with whatever strings has come attached with borrowing the item).
it reduces the number of channels example, by using email and short message servicing