Here are some scources that might help...
So basicly the treaty did not satisfy any nation. The treaty was very lengthy, and the treaty forced germany to give up their territory to belgem. They lost much territory and lots of their pride. Essays take a while, so my adivece would be next time would be to try and do this with the bare rescources your teacher provided you with. So, in conclusion, I hope your essay goes well and use the rescources posted above.
No, American settlers did not adhere to the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The Northwest Ordinance guaranteed tribal land rights, but settlers would kick American Indians off of the land they planned to settle.
D. Wealth is an indicator of a person's character and ability
Your welcome a plumber takes 2 years a construction manager takes 3 years and an architect takes 7 years hope this helps lol
I put this in a question and it was deleted but it is true
Today is a good day I helped my friend pass her class and she did to be honest I didn’t even know the questions but I did my best and I helped read this if you feel down because you are worth it you are beautiful or handsome and the best I felt like taking myself out of this world would be best until I found my friends and my girlfriend monea who is the best and guys and girls if you feel you are never gonna find love that’s where your wrong and if you are lesbian bisexual gay or trans that is. Fine and if your scared to tell your parents don’t be your parents will love you for who you are have a great day, a merry Christmas, and a happy new year everybody
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