When iron is heated in air it reacts with oxygen to form the compound iron oxide. Iron is a solid and oxygen is a gas. 5 Draw diagrams to show how the atoms are arranged in iron, oxygen and iron oxide in the circles below their names. ... Use the words solid, gas, atom and compound in your answer.
P.s (not sure if it’s right I looked it up oh and I’m in 8th grade k12 as well)
Serial number- C. How dates are stored
Tab scrolling button- A. Used to display worksheet tabs that are not in view
Serial numbers are usually added sequentially to dates. It is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to the item, to uniquely identify it. Tab scrolling button control worksheets to move left of tab showing worksheets not in view.
The constitution is very hard to amend and make changes to. When a major court case makes it to the Supreme Court, they decide whether or not the case is deemed constitutional or unconstitutional. The constitution is difficult to amend as it is meant to be a defined guideline made by the founding fathers, that can persevere through many years, despite the day to day politics any democracy has. When there is a constitutional ammendment, it is a major decision with many checks and balances to make sure that the change is not frivolous.