Areas or regions with low sea level or at sea level are called lowlands.
Lowlands are formed by deposition of lava through water, wind, or soil erosion and it has been said that such plains are more fertile for farming as compared to other high sea-level plains.
At Lowlands, people get opportunities for employment and the economy of the nation can be boosted.
For example, Lowlands of Scotland.
Farmers growing paddy or rice are getting the main benefits of Lowlands.
Lowlands have a suitable environment for many agricultural products.
Farmers can develop dairy farms and mountain farms.
One of the largest earthquakes that occurred was in Chile. It cost millions of damage and killed thousands of innocent victims.
The effect that the silk road had on trade was massive; The Silk road brought people far across Asia and Europe bringing different aspects of their culture with them.
The study specifically looks into major geographic boundaries and the history behind the boundaries, land use and population, transport and services, place of work, schooling, sports, tourism, and sense of place. These aspects all influence the sense of community residents of an area may feel.