Independent, classroom, activist, pragmatic
10% of exam score
Opportunity Cost is the cost of next best alternative, foregone (sacrifised) while making a choice.
Example : If a person has option to have an apple or an orange, & choses to have apple. The opportunity cost of having an apple is the sacrifised orange.
Given : A night before mid time exam, spent while watching movies - later lead to fall in exam grade from 70 % to 60%
The opportunity cost of movies watched, is the sacrifised grade of exam, which would have gotten, if the time would have spent in studying. The corresponding grade lost = 70% grade achievable - 60% grade achieved. Hence, the opportunity cost = 10% of exam score.
The boy: 8 years old
The sister: 11 years old
We assume that the age at present of the boy is x (years old).
As he is younger than his sister 3 years, so that his sister's present age is great than x 3 years
=> Her present age is: x + 3 (years old)
Two years ago, the boy is younger than present two years
=> The boy's age two years ago is: x - 2 (years old)
Similarly, the sister's age two years ago is: (x+3)-2 = x + 1 (years old)
As given, two years ago he was two-thirds of his sister's age, so that we have:
<em>The boy's age two years ago = </em>
<em> × the sister's age two years ago</em>
=> x + 3 = 8 + 3 = 11
So the present age of the boy is 8 years old, of the sister is 11 years old
The statement is true. A project manager may "also" be the project champion. But it is not mandatory. But there are possibilities that the project manager is also an expert the in project he is handling. Thus, the above statement is true. If the statement would have been - The project manager will be or needs to be the project champion, then it would be false statement.