An estuary is an area where a freshwater river or stream meets the ocean. In estuaries, The salty ocean mixes with a fresh water river, resulting in brackish water. Brackish water is someone salty, but not as salty as the ocean. An estuary may also be called a bay, lagoon, sound, or slough.
Ever since the existence of life of humans on Earth, the humans have been making progress to understand themselves and the mother nature.
In the start, the humans were hunter- gatherers. Hunter- gatherers can be described as humans which use wild life plants and animals for food. The humans used to live in jungles and eat the wild- life plants and animals. They used leaves from the trees to cover their bodies. Heat was produced by rubbing the rocks.
After this time, the humans learned the techniques of cultivating plants for food. They started cultivating crops and depend on them for living. During this time, humans learned the art of farming and agriculture. But they couldn't understand the effects of various pathogens infecting the crops and humans at that time.
After this time, humans learned the art of preserving foods in different forms like pickles etc. They also learned that certain types of plants could be used to treat wounds and other diseases.
With the passage of time, people learned to make and use machinery for making their tasks easier. The usage of machinery progressed rapidly and the industrial revolution began. People became more diverted to this sector rather than farming. They started to move towards the cities to find better jobs in industries.
Life after industrial revolution was much easier as humans had made a lot of equipments which aid them to have a better life style. Science has been developing since that time day by day.
The word that best fits the statement is the term "superolateral." The vastus medialis is located at the quadriceps muscles wherein it is the most medial among the muscle groups. It is specifically placed at the top portion of the muscle just above the knee.
The correct answer would be - Water.
Soda is a solution that has water, sugar, flavorings, carbon dioxide as its components. Carbon dioxide is dissolved under pressure in the water with other solutes like sugar and flavorings. Carbon dioxide is a gas however it is still is a solute.
Water is the component of soda that is solvent as all other components dissolve in it. Water is solvent in this solution of water, sugar, flavorings, carbon dioxide as its components. Carbon dioxide.
Thus, the correct answer is - water.