Los ingleses, escoceses, irlandeses, alemanes y otros grupos de inmigrantes llegaron a Estados Unidos para buscar nuevas oportunidades en las vastas tierras occidentales. Sin embargo, la migración masiva de estos grupos desde Europa no se produjo hasta finales de la década de 1840, por lo que estos grupos étnicos no contribuyeron al asentamiento inicial del centro de Indiana.
Ancient Greece and Rome have affected modern technology and architecture in various ways. Many modern government buildings draw inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman structures. Several architectural designs, such as domes and columns, were first developed in Rome. The Romans also introduced us to concrete, which is a strong and durable building material.
The ancient Greek scientist Archimedes invented the lever. We still use this technological invention in construction to lift heavy weights. Archimedes also invented the odometer, which tracks traveling distance. The odometer is used in almost all modern vehicles today.
بحاجة الى مساعدة سريعة = bihajat 'iilaa musaeadat sariea
the first is in Arabic and the second on is in English
The American Revolution didn't affect directly the Native Americans. It affected them because when the colonists won, it was official they had lost vast territories and would have to share land extensions with colonists. The Proclamation of 1763 wasn't so forceful after the war, because the colonists were independent from the King and he couldn't give them orders anymore. The Proclamation of 1763 kept colonists east of the Appalachian Mountains, just so you remember. France owed a large piece of land that was west of the Appalachian, and the colonists eventually bought it. Further on, they also took hold of the area around California and Florida. So as you see, the Natives were being taken away from lands and this led them to live in reservations. Nowadays, natives can live anywhere they want but many choose to live in reservations.