Hello sorry for the late replay but my best answer is going to be
Friction works in the direction opposite of motion
The biggest difference is the cause. The solar wind is a constant flow of particles from the sun's corona due to their high energy gained from the sun's interior, it's like being boiled off. CME's and flares are the result of “explosive” releases of energy from the sun's magnetic field. Solar flares and solar winds originate within the sun's atmosphere, but differ greatly from one another. Satellites on Earth and in outer space allow a look at solar flares, but you cannot see solar winds directly. However, the effects of solar winds reaching Earth appear to the naked eye when the aurora borealis and aurora australis electrify the night sky.
d. more permeable to sodium ions.
The binding of Acetylcholine with the receptors at motor end plate facilitate membrane permeability to sodium ions therefore opening of voltage gated channels for sodium ions.
Sodium ions diffused into the synapse of post synaptic neuron at the neuromuscular junction.
If the stimulus is up to threshold levels; more chemical(neurotransmitter) gated sodium channels opens, and sodium ions move into the synapse to depolarize the membrane with reversal of charges to generate action potential.
The continuous binding of Acetycholine , leads to permanent opening of sodium ions,and over excitation from depolarization. Acetycholinesterase enzymes breakdown Acetycholine to choline and Acetyl Co -A. These are recycle back to Acetycholiine
adenine, thymine, guanine
cytosine, adenine, thymine
cytosine, guanine, thymine
guanine, thymine
for RNA, you’ll just do the opposite of what the DNA strand says..... so A pairs with T and C pairs with G
for the actual acids, you’ll just list the names of the RNA sequence, which could be adenine, thymine, guanine, or cytosine
Plantae: Autotrophic, Multi- or Monocellular, have cell walls as well as a membrane, have a chloroplast making the characteristic green color and to capture sunlight for photosynthesis. Break down generated glucose into it's components.
Animalia: Heterotrophic, Multi- or Monocellular, have a cell membrane made of a phospholipid bilayer, and many mitochondria to aid with movement energy. Feed on plants or other animals. Eukaryotic cells.
Fungi: Heterotrophic, most Multicellular, have a rigid cell wall made of chitin, specialized cells to aid with decomposition of dead organic matter. Eukaryotic cells.
Protista: Can be plant-like, animal-like, or fungus-like. Most are single-celled, may be chemosynthetic or photosynthetic. Eukaryotic cells.
Archeabacteria: Prokaryotic. Do not have nuclei or membrane-bound organelles. Move around using a flagellum to propel itself. Lives in mainly fluid environments (air, water). Separated from Eubacteria due to it's high tolerance of extreme conditions, such as high salinity, no oxygen, burning heat, or freezing cold. Can be chemosynthetic or anaerobic, as well as aerobic.
Eubacteria: Normal, everyday bacteria. Prokaryotic, chemosynthetic, anaerobic, or aerobic. Do not have nuclei or membrane-bound organelles. Mobile using a flagellum to propel itself.