Answer: False
While a review of resumé would give some information about the job a physical interview would give a proper insight on the capabilities of the pool of applicants for the job.
So also verbal communication would help you access their strengths and properly allocate them to departments where they would be most efficient if selected.
A resumé wouldn’t give you such opportunities.
D) Uniformity
The purpose of the conceptual framework is to assist the International Accounting Standards Boards and account preparers in having a better understanding of the International Financial Reporting Accounting Standards, knowing the right accounting policy to take where there is no clear standard, as well as developing and revising standards.
Issues meant to be addressed by this framework include recognition and derecognition, measurement, qualitative characteristics of important financial information, the objective of financial reporting, financial statements and the reporting entity, understanding of capital and capital maintenance as well as presentation and closure.
Answer: Internal recruiting
Internal recruiting is when an organization fills its vacancies from its existing workforce.
In this case, rather than looking for applicants to the position outside the company, the company fills the available position with some of its staff. On the other hand, external recruitment is when the position is filled by outsiders.