George Washington
The Second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia in the summer of 1775, shortly after the war with the British had begun. It was preceded by the First Continental Congress in the fall of 1774. The Congress appointed George Washington as commander of the Continental Army, and authorized the raising of the army through conscription.
Public opinion is measured by election results, personal contacts, media reporting, and especially by polls. ... People express their opinions by voting, writing letters or emails, making phone calls or holding public meetings. Interest groups also share the views of their members in hopes of influencing public policy.
Ahmose rose to power when Egypt was in crisis. There was occupations in the North and invasion threats in the South.
Ahmose's army was able defeat the invaders in the North (Hyksos) and the threat in the South (Nubians), taking the Nubians territory and creating an united and powerful Egypt.
1. sectionalism was the main cause of the civil war. the southern states seceded from the Union because they didn't want President Lincoln to free their slaves.
2. The Southern was devasted because it couldn't its agriculture products to the North or overseas. The Northen economy thrived on its manufacturing
3. the bureau provided assistance to tens of thousands of former slaves and impoverished whites in the Southern States