The arena would like to estimate it's annual running costs for the next twelve months. Use the following first 4 moths figures to estimate the running costs for12 moths.January £14,889.51,February £22,936,March 9,856.88,April 6,777.77.The estimated running costs for 12 months is £
Alexander didnt conquer Babylonia. Cyrus the great conquered Babylonia
In this era, the top speeds were about 100 MPH. When the pilots ventured ten miles over the enemy lines, that was a notable event. The pilots carried no parachutes. The airplanes were made of wood and canvas; when they caught on fire, it spread quickly, and spelled certain death for the occupants.
i got this form,certain%20death%20for%20the%20occupants.
I believe it was France in the D-Day Invasions, that was a massive assault on the beaches and ended in the Allied forces pushing through the Nazi defenses.