Cuando los bebés sobreviven al aborto, se los mantendrá vivos intencionalmente o se los matará intencionalmente. No hay en el medio. Si los comentarios de Trump son falsos, como afirman los medios de comunicación, entonces deberían decirnos lo que realmente le sucede a un niño que nace vivo, si la madre y el médico deciden que no debe recibir atención. El país merece saber una respuesta a esto.
not to vape:
1. your body is inhaling toxic metals
2. it can cause lung problems
not to use tobacco products:
1. you can develop an addiction
2. not good for health
to avoid secondhand smoke:
1. it will help ur body's health
2. wouldn't hurt to stay away from it
or juss do u lol
Jimmy's sexual insecurities.
According to Freud, the dream is one of the ways in which we have to contact issues of the unconscious and bring them into the light of consciousness, thus better understanding ourselves. For Freud, every dream has a meaning that attaches to a fulfillment of a desire suppressed by his consciousness. Normally these desires are primitive and, therefore, this repression arises because they are desires vetoed by the prevailing morals of the culture in which the subject is inserted, or even because they are related to his personal questions and aspirations. Dreams then fulfill these wishes in some symbolic way to compensate for this repression.
Based on Freud's claims, we can conclude that the underlying meaning of Jimmy's dream revolves around Jimmy's sexual insecurities.
A conflict can be A or B but B includes the general ELA term of Conflict