1.) not using a pronoun at all.
Not using a pronoun is the right way to correct this ambiguity.
An ambiguous pronoun happens when a pronouns have an unclear antecedent, such that it's not clear who is referring to.
Hope this helps
You usually put the comma after the date. For example, My birthday is one June 12, 1996. And then you put the comma after the city . Like Fremont, California. Or County. ETC.
It's saying that Atticus is a respectable person who doesn't see race as a reason to or to not defend someone; he's not racist. It shows that racism in the south is common, and that because of that, Scout has grown up being taught to be racist. Atticus is trying to turn her away from that and get her to focus on the person's true self, not the color of their skin.
Hieroglyphs are written in the ancient language. Hope this helps
<em>Stuart Little (the family adopts Stuart and after him being lost, he comes home to his new family)</em>
<em>*Not sure what this question meant though </em>