In the play the word is used when Keller says, "You be quiet! I’m badgered enough here by females without your impudence." The first trick to identifying a word's definition using context clues is to decide if the word is used in a positive way or a negative way. After reading Keller's statement, we can tell he is frustrated and annoyed, so he is not going to be talking in a positive way. This eliminates the first two options immediately. Disrespectfulness is your answer.
Providing background on the Renaissance would allow Charlie to talk about the shared history. This leads to talking about the effect the period had on art, and then specifically on the artists mentioned.
#3 "Long dappled grass"
It's a paragraph that describes the scene therefore helping the reader visualize what's going on.
On several occasions, Andrea Yates tried to kill (her children), and still at her first trial found her (innocent/not guilty)
A. Preposition: over; object of the preposition: bridge
A preposition shows the location of an object, it shows where something is. In this case the preposition is "over" as that is the only word that is showing 'where' something is and thus the car becomes the object.