"Ruthless" focuses on Judson Webb's willingness, even eagerness, to hurt those who interfere with his property. ... Judson is not only willing to hurt others, he is also willing to damage his own property if it means retribution on someone who has wronged him.
When i wake up in the morning i will flip and flop before i get out of bed. Then my mom will blow me a kiss before I get on the bus for school. before class starts I get to play on the playground. after school is done I rush to my house and wait for my dad to come home. my family will eat a good dinner then go to bed.
Saying "like" or "as" makes the statement a simile. The above sentence is a metaphor
shelter and hunger
Because when brian had woken up and was thirsty it reminded him of a time him and terry we're lost in the woods which brought up the thought of a nostalgia memory
(unite and help one another develop a unique culture, offer a message of hope and enlightenment, allow artists to showcase their talents.)