<span>- Increase minimum wage
- National health insurance - not implemented
- Expand public housing
- Expand social security - 1950 law added previously excluded self-employed and
domestic workers to Social security
- Expand aid to education
- Private welfare arrangements thrived: labor contracts of unionized workers established
health insurance plans, automatic cost of living wage increases, paid vacations, and pension plans that supplemented social security</span>
The right answer is B.
Post-WWI Germans had the feeling the Versailles peace agreement and its conditions were unfair. There was a sense in many people that Germany had not been delivered a crushing blow in the front, withdrawal of its forces was orderly. The war reparations imposed on Germany were seen as excessive and unjust. Together with a terrible economic situation - inflation, high unemployment rate, pauperization -, those feelings contributed to the rise of the Nazis who shrewdly exploited the insatisfaction of German masses in the 1930s.
a conflict between nationalist and communist movements
Throughout his term, President Lincoln published many orders matching to this, he ordered government departments closed for a local day of thanksgiving.
Sarah Hale prompt him to have the day of our annual Thanksgiving made a National and fixed Union Festival. Thanksgiving held on the same day, in all the States.